Nothing beats the sparkle and sheen of gold jewellery as a timeless accessory. And because of its elegance, we love to wear it to special occasions as well as all day. But it is also vital to examine your jewellery as it is to buy the best pieces.

When left alone, your gold pieces will not tarnish or corrode.
However, over time, your jewellery may accumulate a film of soap, oils, and even grease. As a result, it is natural for them to lose their luster and fade over time. Every piece necessitates the proper amount of care and attention. Just in case you are unaware of taking care of your precious jewellery collections, here are some tips to keep them shining bright for years.

Cleanse them often

Because you may wear your gold rings, diamond earrings, gold chains, and other jewelry frequently, it is easy to overlook the fact that they require cleaning. It is advised that you scrutinize your jewellery every 6 to 12 months to discern whether it needs to be polished. Another good way to keep your gold in good condition is to buff it regularly. Gently rubbing the surface of the gold piece with a soft cloth regularly can help restore its shine immediately, eliminating the need to clean it further.

Give special care to your antique jewellery

Handle antique jewellery with extreme caution. Wipe them down with a soft cotton cloth or have a reputable jeweller clean them. Jewels should never be jumbled in small containers. Remember to keep your genuine gold jewellery separate from your costume jewellery. Keep jewellery with different carat weights apart at all times.

Store them well

Keep your gold jewellery as safe as possible, not only because it is valuable, but also because it must be stored correctly to avoid scratches or chemical contact. Never store your gold jewellery with other types of jewellery. Because gold is a soft metal, it is easily scratched and bent out of shape.

Keep the jewellery away from chemicals.

Hairspray, perfume, cosmetics, and other common household chemicals can all discolor precious gold jewellery. They can also harm studded stones like pearls. Make sure to apply perfume or makeup to areas where the jewellery will not be worn. It is not advisable to keep your valuable jewellery on the dressing table where you keep your makeup, lotions, creams, or oils, even for a short period before wearing them. Also, keep your studded gold jewellery away from excessive heat and light.